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Risa Moriarity, MD
Risa Moriatiry, MD

Supporting & Honoring UMMC Faculty

Members of the Faculty Appreciation Week planning committee at the Bingo and Brews event.

Our faculty’s vitality is essential to UMMC’s success, and their growth and development has become a strategic initiative for our medical center.  To support our faculty, Dr. Risa Moriarity recently joined the Office of Faculty Affairs in a part-time role to spearhead faculty development activities, known as FACULTY FOCUS.  She has partnered with all seven schools on campus, the Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Office of Continuing Health Professional Education, the Office of Research, and the Office of Development, along with numerous individuals across the campus interested in faculty development.  Her leadership recently culminated in our inaugural FACULTY APPRECIATION WEEK, a week of activities and events designed to celebrate and honor faculty in all seven schools at UMMC.  She is also planning the upcoming campus visit of Dr. Kimberly Lumpkins, a national leader in professional development, on October 26, as well as various other seminars, workshops, and panel discussions.  Faculty input through our StandPoint surveys has guided these efforts and we plan to seek your feedback again in the fall of 2024 to refine and direct future initiatives.  You, the faculty, are critical to UMMC’s success! 

Pictured Above: Members of the Faculty Appreciation Week planning committee at the Bingo and Brews event.